4 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally and Quickly

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally and Quickly

You’ve been told over and over what foods to avoid because of your high blood pressure, but did you know that some foods, exercise, diet, and vitamins can help you lower your blood pressure naturally? In this article, we will discover four ways to lower blood pressure naturally and quickly.

High blood pressure is a contributing factor to serious health problems including stroke, kidney failure, heart attacks, and heart failure. It happens when the arteries leading to the heart become stiff and blocked, decreasing the amount of blood moving through them and increasing how hard the heart must work to ensure the flow of blood.

It can be genetic, but most of the time it is brought on by lifestyle choices such as smoking, not getting enough rest, and poor dietary habits. So, read on to find out how foods, exercise, diet, and vitamins can help you to maintain lower blood pressure naturally and quickly.

A. Foods that Help Lower Blood Pressure Naturally:

As you already know the consequences of high blood pressure and why we need to control it. So, now we going to tell you ten foods that will lower your blood pressure naturally and quickly.

1. Berries

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries contain compounds called Flavonoids. Research points to Flavonoids as a healthy way to lower your blood pressure naturally. Berries can be added to cereal, oatmeal, or granola. They are also delicious right out of the container.

2. Non-fat or reduced-fat dairy products

The American Heart Association has found a link between consuming low-fat dairy products and a 20% reduction in the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Low-fat dairy products are readily available. If you’d rather eat yogurt, pay attention to the ingredients, and opt for a yogurt or cottage cheese with no extra sugars added.

3. Fish

Mackerel, salmon, and trout fish is very high in healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. These are beneficial in a healthy diet and can lower your blood pressure and increase heart health. Baked or grilled, fish can be a tasty meal choice for the health-conscious.

4. Pomegranate

Research shows that one cup of the juice from a pomegranate each day can help to reduce blood pressure. Raw, juiced, or in a commercially made juice. Watch out for added sugars in store-bought juice.

Pomegranate also has some other health benefits too such as it a great food for naturally glowing skin. Studies have even shown this anti-aging food can reduce skin roughness making it an ideal choice for skincare solution.

5. Herbs and spices

Garlic, rosemary, cinnamon, and thyme; These herbs and spices contain nitric acid, which widens the arteries and lowers blood pressure. They also keep you from craving additional salt. So, add these herbs with everyday foods or beverages.

6. Pistachios

Pistachios and other nuts are shown to widen arteries, slow heart rates, and decrease blood pressure. The recommended allowance is one serving per day. How you should consume them? Raw, baked or added to recipes.

7. Dark Chocolate

Cocoa products containing dark chocolates. Dark chocolate contains flavanols that are shown to lower high blood pressure. Dark chocolate contains less sugar than milk chocolate. You can consume hot cocoa, powders, or chocolate bars.

Additionally, dark chocolate is a great healthy late-night snake you can consume without gaining weight. It is also good food for a healthy heart.

8. Beets

Red beets or beet pulp contain nitric oxide that naturally lowers your blood pressure. You can eat beet juice, cooked beets, raw beets. According to a study that the nitrates in beetroot juice lowered research participants’ blood pressure within just 24 hours.

9. Seeds

Sunflower, squash, pumpkin, or other fresh seeds contain blood pressure-lowering compounds, including magnesium, potassium, and many other minerals that combat high blood pressure. How? Up to a quarter cup of seeds a day as a snack, or sprinkled on salads and baked into bread.

10. Leafy Greens

Kale, lettuce, spinach, collard greens, arugula are high in potassium. Potassium encourages the kidneys to purge themselves of excess salt by increasing urination. This will help you lower your blood pressure levels.

How you should eat? Salads, steamed, added to sandwiches, used as a tasty garnish on other dishes.

B. Lower Blood Pressure Naturally with the DASH Diet:

The DASH diet is a way of approaching food and meals for those at risk of high blood pressure. The term DASH means Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and focuses on controlled portions, healthy choices, and lower sodium.

It’s estimated that following a DASH diet can result in lowering your blood pressure by an estimated 14 points overall. DASH elements include:

  • Sodium: Between 1500mg to 2300 mg per day
  • Vegetables: Between 4 to 5 servings a day
  • Fruits: Between 4 to 5 servings a day
  • Poultry, lean meats and fish: Less than 6 servings a day
  • Grains: Between 6 and 8 servings a day
  • Dairy: Between 2 to 3 servings, low-fat choices
  • Seeds or Nuts: Between 4 to 5 servings a week
  • Fats and oils: Limit yourself to 2 to 3 servings each day
  • Sweets or Desserts: Limit 5 or less a week

When following a DASH diet, make sure to limit your intake of the following:

> Sodium: Of course, salt is a big player in high blood pressure. It’s important to limit your sodium intake every day to between 1500mg to 2300mg per day, as noted above.

  • Choose salt substitutes for seasoning
  • Consider using other herbs in place of salt
  • Check sodium levels on foods, especially canned foods, and beverages. You would be amazed at the places you will find sodium
  • Go for the lower sodium option of your favorite foods, like chips or pretzels

> Alcohol: It is recommended that alcohol is limited to two drinks per day. Prolonged alcohol use has been shown to have an adverse effect on blood pressure.

> Caffeine: The role of caffeine in long term blood pressure management isn’t entirely clear but drinking coffee can raise it measurably immediately following its consumption. Caffeine will also increase heart rate, making the heart work harder.

C. Lower Blood Pressure with Exercise:

Weight loss is recommended for lowering your blood pressure, and once you make the changes to a DASH diet or begin to add some of the ten foods listed above to your diet, you may notice you begin to lose weight. Add a gradually increasing program of activity and exercise to your day. Walking, swimming, or even light resistance or weight training will make you look as good as you feel.

Exercise will keep your heart healthy, increasing your fitness while decreasing your weight. It’s a winning scenario!

D. Lower Blood Pressure Naturally with Helpful Vitamins:

In addition to these ten foods that will help you lower blood pressure, you can add supplements and vitamins to your diet. Some of the key players to consider?

  • Vitamin D
  • Folate (Vitamin B9)
  • CoQ10
  • Magnesium
  • Omega 3 oils (fish oil)
  • L Citrulline
  • PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone)

Your blood pressure is a vital part of your health. Luckily, it can be controlled by medications, if needed, and by lifestyle changes such as eating some of these ten foods to lower your blood pressure, exercise, and vitamin supplements as listed above.

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